Do boost your skills


The UK Shared Prosperity Fund Maths Multiply is a three-year DfE grant funded project with Derby City Council. The aim of the project is to support adults to build their numeracy skills to help them get on in life and work.

Participants get involved in planning and running a pop up shop in Derby city centre. Everyone who takes part will:

  • Create handmade items to sell
  • Use everyday maths skills
  • Build their skills and confidence
  • Learn from bitesize numeracy sessions

Sessions are two days a week for eight weeks. They are open to anyone aged 19+ with less than a C in GCSE Maths.

Multiply is a great way to have fun, boost your CV and improve your maths along the way.

For more information or to sign up contact Suzzanne on 07927 555 576 or email us at