Do more for your wellbeing

Healthy Futures

Through Healthy Futures, we help people to improve their overall health and quality of life. The project supports patients in the Chesterfield Royal Hospital who are homeless, or whose home is no longer suitable for them.

The benefits of Healthy Futures

Better housing

We find accommodation for people with no suitable housing, and then provide ongoing support to help them live independently and maintain their accommodation.

Better health

We help people to use health services more effectively by providing personalised support. We also work closely with health and community services, helping people to better manage their long-term health conditions.

Better use of resources

Healthy Futures improves the co-ordination of social services, treatment services, housing and support, and reduces chaotic inappropriate use of health services.

Get in touch

We are currently taking referrals for people with a local connection to Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire or Bolsover who are in hospital.

Referrals are usually made by hospital staff.

For more information about Healthy Futures please contact us on or 01159 443 865.