Steve’s story
Steve has stopped drinking and was supported to move into a flat of his own
When Steve moved into Derventio Housing Trust supported accommodation he was drinking round the clock. When staff visited the property Steve was usually slumped on the sofa drunk. He also had hygiene and cleanliness issues.
After a lot of support and encouragement from staff, Steve eventually accepted that he needed help. We contacted a local alcohol treatment agency and made him an appointment. It turned out that he had psoriasis of the liver. Following this diagnosis, Steve started his road to recovery. He stopped drinking and became much more engaged with services.
We helped him to open his first bank account and sort out his benefits. He applied for social housing so he could move on into his own home. When a property became available we took Steve to a local furniture project so he could equip his new flat with the essentials.
Steve has continued with his sobriety and is completely focused on keeping clean and looking forward to a healthier future.
We have used a stock photo and changed Steve’s name to protect his anonymity.